Flash Fiction: Quartet 18


They said you can’t feel it but, you can.  “Such a tiny thing released into your ear.  You won’t even notice.”  I noticed.  It made me cough and gag.  And I feel it now, hooking itself onto my brain.  Gradually seizing control.  Our tiny new overlords from another world.


The creak on the stair wakes me every night.  Footsteps follow.  Faint at first, gathering volume as they make their way downstairs.  A murder happened here but not here.  Not really.  They tore the place down.  Where once stood a house, now stands a bungalow.  My home.  Haunted.

The Man from Oz

He’d have called himself a larrikin.  Came to visit with family but, thought he’d rip a few people off along the way and then scarper back to the other side of the world.  Got caught with his hands in the till, though, didn’t he?  He’s never going home. 


That old chest freezer sure came in handy.  Funny how things work.  He’s in there freezing, while I’m out here awaiting a thaw.  When Spring comes and the earth softens, I’ll move him.  It’ll be worth the wait so when he’s buried, I can piss on his grave.

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