Flash Fiction: Quartet 17

Four Flash Fictions of 50 words or less…


Some would-be killers is dumb.  Come into my store and buy all their BTK copycat shit in one haul.  No legal reason to stop ‘em.  I make a copy of their ID.  Say it’s store policy.  Keep the receipts and ID in a file.  For when the cops come calling. 

Something ain’t right in Boone Town

No children seen.  Elderly adults run Boone Town.  The sound of children, though.  Not laughter, not talking, grunts of an infant note.  Clear as day.  From the school.  It ain’t no school.  It’s a farm.  Dentures by day hide sharpened teeth by night.  The hunger for young flesh transcends all.


A slightly sun faded blue plastic duck, won at a fair, sits on my desk.  It stares silently and happily into space.  It has a smile on its yellow moulded beak.  Until today.  The eyes stare at me.  Into me.  The beak snarls downwards.  It is angry.  It wants blood.

The Visitors

The explosion rocked the street.  Windows shattered, car and house alarms rang out.  Neighbours streamed out of houses in puzzlement and wonder.  Eyes drawn to the night sky.  The brightly lit craft loomed large.  Landing vehicles exited from its core and swooped to the ground.  Destroying everything in their sights.

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